Body journey
To memorise many numbers and/or concepts one needs very long journeys. Rooms are most appropriate to fulfill this aim. To memorise a phone number or a shopping list for example, sometimes you only need a few points. For this purpose, it is appropriate to use something you "always keep with you", namely your own body. We choose body parts to which we mentally tag the items we need to remember.
And here is the Body Journey
Number | Journey point |
1 | Feet |
2 | Shinbone |
3 | Knee |
4 | Thigh |
5 | Trouser pocket |
6 | Belt |
7 | Belly |
8 | Breast |
9 | Shoulder |
10 | Biceps |
11 | Elbow |
12 | Hand |
13 | Neck |
14 | Chin |
15 | Mouth |
16 | Nose |
17 | Eyes |
18 | Ears |
19 | Forehead |
20 | Hair |
Wenn du im Training voranschreitest, wirst du auf jeden Fall mehrere Routen benötigen. Diese kannst DU nach und nach unter "Mein memocamp" selbst anlegen. Eine weitere Route ist die "Musterhausroute". Diese hat 52 Routenpunkte damit du dir ein ganzes Kartenspiel merken kannst.