Memorise spoken numbers - memorise telephone numbers
It is really hard to memorise telephone numbers which have been mentioned only once. I experienced these difficulties on my own when I participated in a Memory Championship some years ago. Two memory athletes exchanged their mobile numbers to fix an appointment for the evening. Everyone only mentioned his number once. It was absolutely amazing that both of them could memorise the numbers. Amongst memory athletes, this is probably normal. If you train spoken numbers, you will also be able to do this!
The basis is again the "Major-system" and "Journey". You should be very comfortable with both sysetems. During training and at the championships, the numbers are spoken in intervals of one second. That's very fast and if you start thinking, you have already lost the plot. Given that this is very difficult at the beginning, I recommend to start with the free training. You will be able to fix the intervals. Champions train in intervals of 0.8 seconds per number. In this way, they have more time at the championship.
To make sure that you memorise your master images quicker, I have invented the "system training". Here you can see how quickly you are able to memorise the images. You will get faster during training!
How to train the memory for numbers: Spoken Numbers
The aim is to memorise as many spoken numbers as possible, namely numbers from 0-9. The numbers are read out one per second.
The evaluation is based on competition rules, which means that the evaluation is only taken into consideration unless an error occurs. Example: If 20 digits have to be recalled and 19 are correct and the error occurs at digit 11, 10 digits are taken into consideration.
Dies ist teilweise eine sehr strenge Regel. Wenn aber in der gemerkten Telefonnummer ein Fehler auftritt, erreichst du vielleicht jemanden, aber nicht den richtigen. Also es kommt auf die Genauigkeit und Schnelligkeit an!