Contestant Carsten Balleier
Carsten Balleier is in 571 place for Junior in the world rankings with the score of 779
Module | Disciplines | Evaluation | Points | Contest | rank |
Numbers | Zahlen 30 Min | 80 | 46 | German Junior 1998 | 462 |
Spoken Numbers | Auditiv 2 Sec. | 7 | 18 | German Junior 1998 | 104 |
Playing Cards | Karten unter 5 Min | 12 / 5:00 minutes | 26 | German Junior 1998 | 2243 |
Karten 30 Min | 40 | 46 | German Junior 1998 | 304 | |
Words | Wörter 10 Min | 25 | 125 | German Junior 1998 | 221 |
Text | Text 10 Min | 77 | 237 | German Junior 1998 | 168 |
Namen National | Namen 10 Min - nat. | 43 | 283 | German Junior 1998 | 82 |
contest series | 1998 |
German Junior Memory Championship | 6. |