Contestant Christina I. Tjahjadi
Christina I. Tjahjadi is in 2124 place for Adults in the world rankings with the score of 295
Module | Disciplines | Evaluation | Points | Contest | rank |
Binary Digits | Binärzahlen 30 Min | 195 | 42 | WMC 2003 | 1069 |
Spoken Numbers | Auditiv 1 Sec. | 6 | 116 | WMC 2003 | 1738 |
Playing Cards | Karten unter 5 Min | 30 / 5:00 minutes | 64 | WMC 2003 | 1279 |
Karten 60 Min | 26 | 17 | WMC 2003 | 896 | |
Words | Wörter 15 Min | 1 | 3 | WMC 2003 | 1339 |
Text | Text 15 Min | 20 | 53 | WMC 2003 | 303 |
contest series | 2003 |
World Memory Championship | 45. |